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Seven Weeks of Consolation / Elul

Elul - אלול

אֲנִי לְדוֹדִי וְדוֹדִי לִי
Ani l'dodi v'dodi li
I am for my Beloved, and my Beloved is for me.
(Song of Songs 6:3)

And God said to him [Moses]: Go! Descend! and thus you will ascend. (Ex 19:24)


Counting the Omer - Teshuvah

The Seven Weeks of Consolation bridge the time from Tisha B'Av to Rosh Hashanah. Seven uplifting prophetic passages from Isaiah elevate us in the journey from remembrance of the descruction of the Temple through teshuvah to the beginning of the new year. This is a process of y'ridah l'tsorech aliyah – descent for the sake of ascent.

This seven weeks can be engaged as a 49 day mindfulness meditation - Counting the Omer - mirroring the process that brings us from Egypt/enslavement to Sinai/revelation, but here it is observed as a count-down toward the new year, as we arise from malchut - sovereignty to chesed - lovingkindness.

As we take the time to be aware of each and every particular day, we have the opportunity to experience each day of our life as a unique chance to be present, whatever ‘energies’ the day brings. Each day can be a step of ascent in the brokenness of the world, building our best selves toward a new year and forgiveness. But the process can’t be rushed; we must take it one day at a time, and every day counts as it is.

Click here to download Omer - Teshuvah 2024 / 5784 pdf - a daily calendar grid with summarized prayers.

Click here to download Counting the Omer - Teshuvah pdf - a general packet with history, explanation, prayers, sefirot meditations, and full daily count.

The only book I've seen that addresses this Teshuvah counting of the Omer is "Omer/Teshuvah : Poetic Meditations for Counting the Omer or Turning Toward a New Year" by Shifrah Tobacman, edited by Rachel Barenblat. The book can be read from either end to cover the two omer counting periods.


The fourth week of the Seven Weeks of Consolation is the the week of netzach - perseverance, and the beginning of the month of Elul.

It is traditionally known as the time when "the King is in the field" - when the Divine Presence is accessible in the approach toward Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This is the time for mindful self-reflection and cheshbon haNefesh – an accounting of the soul - the time to reconcile any spiritual debts. We prepare for the upcoming new year by working at repairing relationships with honest repentance and forgiveness.

Psalm 27 is often used as an inspirational and meditative tool for this process of self-improvement, as a ladder for the ascent.

Click here to download a meditation on facets of 'Elul' pdf

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