Heart-Fire Healing | Repair of the Soul Tikkun HaNefesh תיקון הנפש |
Spiritual Guidance & Shema-nik Healing | Listening for the Sacred Shomei-a BaRuach שומע ברוח
(Listening with the soul / Hearing in the wind) |
Led by Rachmiel Langer
Yom Kippur - Turning Fast
On Yom Kippur we pray and fast for the day, but is anything changed? In the haftarah portion, we are directed to "respond to our soul." Isaiah challenges us to consider if we have engaged in the appropriate fast - and presents the transformations that are possible if we do. We'll consider what this fast might be and the possibility of re/turning to life in the light of a satisfied soul.
Saturday, September 14, 2013, 3:30 pm
at Kerem Shalom, 659 Elm St, Concord, MA
No pre-registration. Free to all.